
Consortium Partners

Europa Media (EM) is an independent, non-profit SME active in European Union affairs, in particular in  EU  research  and  innovation  policies,  programmes  and  projects.  Over  the  past  12 years,  Europa Media  has  actively  participated  in  EU-funded  research  and  innovation  projects  as  coordinator or partner in a broad  range  of  fields  including  international  research  cooperation,  lifelong  learning, entrepreneurship,  knowledge  based  bio-economy,  health,  environment, and information  and communication technologies (ICT). In these projects, our team has undertaken various roles including promoting coordination and exploitation of research and innovation  results,  implementing  novel dissemination  and  communication  actions,  development  and  deployment  of  web-based  platformsand designing and delivering innovative training and capacity building programmes. EM is the coordinator of START2ACT project

Geonardo is an engineering and consultancy company providing cutting-edge solutions in the energy, environment and sustainable development fields. Since its establishment in 1999, Geonardo has become a leading SME in Central Eastern Europe with extensive experience in conceiving and implementing research and innovation projects under the EU programmes, in particular the Framework Programmes (FP5/6/7 and Horizon 2020), Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) and LIFE programmes.

Geonardo provides technical consulting services specialised in renewable energies, energy efficiency applications, raw materials, resource efficiency and environmental management, conducts feasibility studies and impact assessments, and develops and implements innovative training, capacity building, institutional strengthening, and communication and dissemination actions.

The  Carbon  Trust  is  a  not-for-dividend  company  with  the  mission  to  accelerate the  move  to  a sustainable, low carbon economy. Carbon Trust provides specialist support to business and the public sector to help cut carbon emissions, save energy and commercialise low carbon technologies. Carbon Trust's three areas of work spans:

Advice:  Advise  businesses,  governments  and  the  public  sector  on  their  opportunities  in  a sustainable, low carbon world  
Technology:   help  develop  and  deploy  low  carbon  technologies  and  solutions,  from  energy efficiency to renewable power; and  
Footprinting:   measure  and  certify  the  environmental  footprint  of  organisations,  products  and services. 

CentERdata is a non-profit research institute, located on the campus of Tilburg University (the Netherlands). The institute is specialized in behavioural policy research and collecting and analysing data. The focus is mainly on (behavioural) economics, consumer research, education, labour market, efficiency studies, and pensions and social security. Researchers use advanced (experimental) methods, surveys and econometric techniques to analyse and profile behaviour. The research conducted by the consumer research group is diverse in terms of topics and methodology, but has in common a high degree of societal relevance. CentERdata mostly works for universities, research platforms, the European Commission, nationalMinistries, and industry organizations.

ENVIROS, s. r. o., based in Prague, the Czech Republic, is one of the leading consulting companies providing assistance mainly in the field of energy, environmental and business consultancy in the Czech Republic, Central and Eastern Europe, but also other parts of the world. The majority stakeholder of ENVIROS, s. r. o. is the UK based ENVIROS GLOBAL limited. ENVIROS, s.r.o. employs 44 permanent qualified experts and more than 30 free-lance experts of diversified experience and background. The company employs 12 energy auditors authorised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar’s (EIHP) main professional and scientific challenge has been the transformation of the energy system into an open energy market, legally regulated and formally based on the EU acquis. Upon the accession of the Republic of Croatia into the European Union, the Institute’s scope of activity has shifted towards the visions of energy development in the EU and Croatia until 2050, which requires the improvement of methods of planning the energy system, subsystems, networks and transport of all forms of energy as well as capacity building for legal, institutional and organizational changes in the energy system. Education and provision of information is becoming the Institute’s increasingly significant activity, which requires the continuous professional training of our experts and their active participation in educating others. The EIH’s strategic goal is to be recognized as the centre of excellence in the field of energy planning and analysis in the wider region.

Special attention is given to the international co-operation, the EIHP membership in professional associations and agencies, as well as participation in international programs funded by the United Nations, European Union, World Bank and other. EIHP and its experts cooperate with numerous associations and institutions like WEC – World Energy Council, IEA – International Energy Agency, WREN - World Renewable Energy Network, EWEA - European Wind Energy Association, ISES - International Solar Energy Society, Bioenergy Agreement of the International Energy Agency, EnR - European Energy Network and COGEN Europe.

SOFENA is a non-governmental organisation and non-profit legal entity established in 2001 to assists Sofia Municipality in developing a sustainable energy policy. It provides assessments of energy consumption and of the potential of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The Agency works for promotion of the holistic approach for energy efficient renovation and construction of new buildings, implementation of energy management and monitoring systems in buildings and enterprises, training and promotion of energy efficient measures and renewable energy sources. SOFENA has experience in energy auditing and analysis of the building stock, as well as ICT for energy management and monitoring. SOFENA organizes trainings, local sustainable energy fora, info days, discussions or the interested stakeholders. It organizes campaigns for citizens to influence their behaviour and inform them about energy saving practices. The Agency initiates energy efficiency projects in municipal, residential, industrial and office buildings. SOFENA has more than 10 years of experience as a lead partner of national projects and has successfully participated as a Partner in more than 15 international projects under SAVE II, ALTENER, Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) and Transnational Cooperation for the South East Europe programmes.

SIEA has been established in 1999 as professional allowance agency directed by Ministry of Economy. It is the competence centre for energy efficiency, energy innovations and renewable energies. SIEA also acts as the implementation agency for EU Structural Funds and other funding mechanisms. SIEA act as the national energy agency and has very good knowledge of the Slovak energy market and its participants, the decision makers, companies, professionals, associations and all those who are involved in the area of energy as well as energy efficiency and renewables. Special emphasis is laid on the area of trainings and information seminars for professionals as well as for general public dealing with the rational energy use and wider exploitation of renewable energy sources. Fulfilling the tasks of the Slovak Ministry of Economy SIEA takes part in the preparation of energy policy, energy acts and decrees and follows and monitors development in the energy sector both on the demand and supply sides.

The Innovation Department of SIEA creates an analytical unit of the Ministry of Economy and develops in cooperation with the Ministry of Education the Smart Specialization Strategy for the Slovakian Republic. The Innovation Department takes part also in international projects in two levels (Innovation Policy and Cluster Development i.e. ACE, CLUSTER COOP, CENTRAMO).

ENERO is an independent non-profit technical consultancy and research centre active in the energy field since 1999. ENERO activity focuses on renewables and energy efficiency promotion, gathering highly experienced experts in innovative energy technologies and European R&D projects management. ENERO has been member of numerous European project consortia within the 5th, 6th and 7th Framework Programmes for research and development, SEE – South-East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme, IEE - Intelligent Energy Europe. The objectives of ENERO include research and development in energy and the technological transfer of new and efficient technologies from other EU countries as well as their implementation in Romania, in the fields of production, transport, distribution, supply and use of electricity and heat, non-conventional and renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, passive house, etc.

KAPE was created on the 15th of April 1994 by an Act of the Polish government, as a result of an agreement of shareholders implementing the national energy policy. KAPE main shareholder is National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. The agency was created as a joint-stock company and in line with the Civil Code adheres to free market principles. KAPE also realizes tasks of a public service character on a non-profit basis.

KAPE is promoting and implementing world class standards and practices in the fields of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development, on the basis of which we create optimal energy efficiency solutions for our customers. Our strategic aim is supporting the competitive growth of the Polish Economy through improving Energy Efficiency in respect to the rules of Sustainable Development. KAPE offers complex advisory and training services in the fields of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development for companies and building sector. The Agency also provides expertise for Polish government and municipalities, and conducts activities in the fields of educating and promoting rational energy use and development of Renewable Energy Sources.

Belgium counts a good number of startup supporting and initiatives, making it hard for entrepreneurs to find the appropriate measure or contact at the right point in time. In 2012 it became clear that we needed to join forces more in Belgium to be able to stand a chance in the globalized and fast-changing tech scene.After a couple of successful pilot projects, the mission became clear. To step up to the challenge, 12 seasoned entrepreneurs founded the non-profit organization in March 2013 and many startup supporting organization stepped in, growing the network throughout Belgium and collaboratively developing activities. now brings together 85+ of such organizations, actively supporting (starting) tech entrepreneurs, through coaching & training, incubation, acceleration, networking & pitching opportunities, expertise in relevant domains or financing. Through this initiative, government agencies, federations, cities, knowledge institutions as well as entrepreneur-for-entrepreneur initiatives and volunteer-driven organizations are joining forces to build the foundation of the next generation knowledge economy. We help tech entrepreneurs to be successful by providing quality access to service providers, business partners, customers, and investors.Through our joint network, we connect startups and technology, create critical mass and international exposure and help develop the entrepreneurial climate.

Tip of the day
Use light colours furniture and wall painting. This will ensure a good light reflection.

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